Leased laundry or own laundry – what are the advantages and disadvantages?

Leasing or renting linen is a convenient solution for many companies, especially in the hotel and catering industry. However, more and more laundries are unable to cope with the volume of orders, resulting in bottlenecks. This is why more and more businesses are considering switching to in-house laundry.

Clean linen is the be-all and end-all for hotels and restaurants – guests expect fresh bed linen, towels and table linen every day. The leasing or rental linen model is particularly popular in the hotel industry: the laundry provides the textiles and is also responsible for cleaning. However, there can always be bottlenecks if the laundry cannot keep up with cleaning large quantities of rented linen. At the same time, some laundries also turn down orders for cleaning the hotel’s own laundry and only offer leasing models. This creates a vicious circle that is unsatisfactory for both sides: hotels and restaurants do not have enough clean linen available in time and the laundries receive complaints from dissatisfied customers.

These are the main reasons why companies opt for leasing laundry:

  • Reduction in investment costs
  • No personnel costs for administration and procurement of linen
  • Replacement of linen when worn


Many hotels and restaurants are considering purchasing their own textiles as an alternative to the leasing model. The idea of an in-house laundry is not far off – after all, they also want to wash their own laundry. There are, of course, external service providers who do a good job, but many companies want more independence. If you are prepared to switch completely to your own textiles and invest in your own laundry, you can create a solution in-house. However, many hotels and restaurants are worried that they will not be able to cope with the additional workload internally. This is understandable, as the in-house solution naturally means more work for employees. On the other hand, it also saves businesses the hassle of dealing with external service providers, especially as in-house laundry can be quickly integrated into internal processes with good planning. By eliminating external costs, the investment in laundry and textiles pays for itself, meaning that costs can even be saved in the long term.

This is what the in-house laundry offers:

  • Flexibility
  • Independence from service providers
  • Full quality control
  • Cost efficiency
  • Adaptation to your internal processes
  • Economic efficiency


Whether an insourcing solution is feasible and what it might look like should definitely be clarified with a specialist consultant on site. STAHL’s experts will be happy to help you find an optimum solution that suits your company’s work processes and capabilities.

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