More efficiency in everyday laundry work with the folding machine

The precise folding of flat linen and towelling requires a lot of time and manpower in the laundry. This task is often unpopular with employees, but must also be carried out with great care, because: Accurately folded laundry is easier to handle and looks neat and tidy. Folding machines are the ideal solution for various textiles and ensure more efficient processes in laundries.

Accurate folding is a must so that professionally cleaned table and bed linen or towelling can be transported and stored neatly folded. Guests in hotels and restaurants also expect excellent linen – whether in their room or in the dining area. Perfectly cleaned and folded laundry also ensures an increased sense of well-being for residents of care facilities. For laundries, folding machines offer several advantages when handling the textiles produced: The automation of processes saves an enormous amount of time, reduces labour costs and increases productivity. While the folding machine ensures optimum results for your textiles, employees can carry out other tasks. These are the advantages of a folding machine:

  • Perfect results: Bed linen, bed sheets, table linen, slipcovers and other flat linen can be folded precisely and individually to your requirements in no time at all with the DOMESTIC flat linen folding machine. Up to 99 folding programmes can be programmed and selected as required. You decide whether no, one or two lengthwise folds are required for your flatwork. The DOMESTIC works on up to three tracks simultaneously with different types of laundry and folds.
  • Handling large capacities: The STARFOLD folding machine offers even more performance for businesses with a particularly high volume of textiles. The machine enables up to two lengthwise folds and three cross folds for ironing laundry with different folding patterns.
  • Increased efficiency: Our professional folding machines complete significantly more folds per hour than laundry staff who do the work by hand. The KOMBIFOLD terry towelling folding machine, for example, folds up to 1800 items per hour and only needs to be operated by one person.
  • Flexibility: Folding unsorted, different towel sizes at the same time? No problem for the STAHL KOMBIFOLD folding machine. After the input, the machine checks the towel shape, folds the towels in the selected fold type and sorts and stacks them according to size.
  • Saving time and labour costs: Thanks to the enormous output of the folding machines, you can process significantly more textiles in less time. At the same time, fewer staff are required and your employees have more capacity for other activities.

Our tip: Professional ironers give flat linen the perfect finish before it is folded in the folding machine. Learn more

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