Global Premiere: Stahl Coating Chamber for Rescue Gear

Any personal protective equipment (PPE) worn by firefighters has to comply with and meet maximum performance demands. Following the cleaning procedure, it is essential to re-impregnate equipment adequately as required. STAHL Laundry Machines now features a new spray impregnation booth that revolutionizes the coating process of PPEs.

Professional cleaning and care of PPE are essential. Even after numerous wash cycles, the protective equipment of firefighters has to stay functional and in top condition at all times, including professional impregnation. This fabric treatment protects against liquids, including extinguishing water, combustibles, and other chemicals. Usually, impregnating PPE happens in the washing machine. This way, all parts of the protective clothing are treated with the impregnation agent, resulting in contact with the membrane.


Coating Only on the Outside

The innovative Spray impregnation booth from STAHL ensures that only the outside of the PPE is covered with the impregnation agent. The user can individually hang each item of clothing and 100% of its surface impregnated from the outside only. Several nozzles deliver the impregnation exactly where it is needed—protecting the membrane and lining from exposure to the impregnating agent. The new STAHL aerosol coating chamber is the first solution on the market.

Activation of Impregnation in the Dry Cabinet

After impregnation, the garments are placed in the STAHL TS 1300 drying cabinet for heat treatment. The high temperature of 74°C ensures that the impregnation is perfectly cured. Any textiles in the condensation drying cabinet do not rotate but can dry evenly on hangers. The combination of STAHL’s new aerosol coating chamber and the TS 1300 drying cabinet is a particularly gentle and safe method of impregnating PPE. That way, emergency response gear retains and maintains its value long-term.

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